Books I Own and the Order in Which I Will (or Will Not) Read Them
From where I sit on the couch, I can see books I bought at the bi-annual library sale, at the Goodwill, and that have been given to me as gifts. Somehow I keep checking out books from the library and I prioritize them because they'll be due soon. I could easily put off the reading of the books I already have indefinitely. But I will be a better person, a better writer, or at least less of a hoarder if I read the ones I have, which I acquired for good reason and with good intentions.
Dune: Frank Herbert - Beloved by many—I'm told it's the best book ever. I got about forty pages in but I was busy and there were talking heads and I couldn't get into it. But I will read it and love it someday, I promise.
The Satanic Verses: Salman Rushdie - The dude had to live in hiding for years after he wrote this book. I was intrigued, so I read his memoir based on that time, but I've not read the source material. (I was going through a memoir phase at the time, okay?)
We Were the Mulvaneys: Joyce Carol Oates - It's so long, and so dark. But it's her 26th novel and loved by all, including Oprah. Oates must be doing something right.
Walden: Henry David Thoreau - On the beauty of avoiding humans, or something along those lines. I think I'd like it. And the box set I have is really pretty.
The Trial: Franz Kafka - I have fond memories of getting this book for something like a dollar in a little store in the San Juan Islands.
Love in the Time of Cholera: Gabriel Garcia Marquez - I studied him and the literary movement he spawned (magical realism) in college, but I couldn't get into this. I don't remember why. I think I found it tedious. But some classics we must suffer through.
Tenth of December: George Saunders - Okay, I read one story, and I never once forgot that I was reading. I found his work to be self-conscious, which made me self-conscious . . . But I was told once or twice that my writing (or attempt at it) is vaguely reminiscent of Saunders, so I should read him, right?
Infinite Jest: David Foster Wallace - Who am I kidding?
The Secret History: Donna Tartt - I should make it a goal to read books by Pulitzer Prize-winning authors. If I don't happen to own the book that won the prize, another one will do.
The Brothers Karamazov: Fyodor Dostoevsky - People have told me this book changed their life. I like the people who've said this. I wouldn't mind my life being changed so I'd be more like them. This one is currently is looking really good right about now.
When will I read this books, and in what order? I don't know; I just checked out three more from the library.
But, when I do read them, where should I begin?